Time flies when you're asleep.

I'm a bit behind schedule as far as getting on here and updating is concerned.  I have two days to talk about, well actually 3 now that I think about it.

Tuesday:  I had to get up early to hitch a ride with my mom to appease my boyfriend.  I got up at 7:00 to take a shower and then realized that Mac's (my rat) cage needed to be cleaned before I went anywhere.  Not something anyone should wake up to.  Of course we left later than we were supposed to, not all my fault mind you.  I had forgotten how much my mother reminds me of a chicken running around without its head in the morning.  Fliting from place to place without ever getting anything done.  I managed to stay awake during the car ride there, it was only 20 minutes but still a big feat for me, and then proceeded to run up the stairs to where I knew there was a bed. (Sorry got side tracked.  Jonas Brothers came on and I couldn't get to the radio fast enough to change the station.)  I slept till 2:30 and was amazingly refreshed and happy.  And the rest of the day was nice to say the least.  No phone calls, got to play Fable II, rubbed a fat black lab, ate stewed beef and mashed potatoes for the second night in a row, and talked my boyfriend out of going outside to kick a soccer ball around.  All in all a normal day for a visit to the Sharpe/Barker house.

Wednesday:  This day was a day I had been looking forward to for a while.  It started out normal with the whole wake up and shower sequence.  I made a cake for Craig and Michael that I didn't get to put iciing on.  *rolls eyes* The Sharpes and their need to celebrate St. Patty's day.  We, being myself and Michael, went to see the 4:30 showing f Alice In Wonderland.  Absolutely loved it!  It screams all over of Tim Burton which makes me giddy as all get out, and Helena used the same speech impediment that she used for Morgan le Fay in the movie Merlin.  It just added a whole other level to the continuance of a classic childrens story.  Johnny Depp of course did a fine job as the Hatter and there were a few voices I could pick out that I didn't expect to be there, but who wouldn't want to work with Tim Burton.  After the movie that left me with tingles we went to eat at Outback, and I got one of their new dishes.  It was nice and tasted fine (of course I love spicy food), but the noodles kinda clumped together and that put a thorn in my side.  After the bill was paid we headed over to the bar where Mike's parents were and I happened to get the worst made long island ice tea I've ever had.  That put me in a sour mood when I got home since we left directly from the bar, and please never do this cause it was a knuckle clinching ride.

Thursday:  Nothing much happened...I'm kidding.  I was awoken by everyone in the house at various hours to the point that I grew tired of dozing off to the almost asleep stage and then getting a rude awakening.  My mom, brother, and I ran errands after everyone was up and ready.  I think we drove around the whole of town.  We dumped the trash, stopped at the library to drop off books, stopped at MCC and I got left there for a while, mom and Grey went to get his license renewed, and then they picked me up on the corner like a call girl.  After that we went to Ruby Tuesdays to eat, went to the Home Depot to grab some fruit tree spray, and then to Food Lion to get a few groceries.  See what I mean run, run, run.  The best part was that at MCC there was a group of kids, I say kids cause they had to be younger than me, that were shouting things at people driving by about the poverty level and habitat for humanity.  They almost caused a wreck and I was sitting there all nice and pretty (disregard that word) to see it all.  There are three lanes in front of Mitchell, one turns left, one turns right, and the other is for traffic going away from Mitchell.  One guy was turning, well trying to, onto the lane going away from Mitchell and these kids shouted at him loud enough and so much that they confused him.  He missed his turn, almost hit the front end of a truck that was waiting to turn left, and then turned onto the lane for those turning right where he, yet again, almost ran a car over.  I didn't know if I should laugh or rip their cardboard signs up and tell 'em to get lost.  Laughter won in the end.

Today has started out okay.  I believe my want of sleep has ticked my beloved father off, or perhaps it's just because I didn't answer the phone so I could stay warm under the covers.  I'm home alone and am LOVING IT!!!  I've already made plans to see my boyfriend angain tomorrow since it's back to Raleigh Sunday.  Today however, I have nothing to do except go see my Uncle Doc.  I can't do that unless my brother or father get back since I'm not tall enough to get the lawn mower in reverse, and the four wheeler is behind it.  Oh the joys of being 5'2".  Anyway I might do another blog post later, but only time will tell.

Peachybitz1 ∙ Mar 20, 2010

At least you have a rat and not an elephant \:P !! Can you imagine waking up to that! One pile of poop would fill the room \:D \:D

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